2018 to 2022

Computational Physics

Table of Contents

The Spark

It was during my freshman year of college when I had a realization. I was working on an assignment to show how pollution spreads in a river. As I watched an empty white screen transform into a dynamic moving simulation, I realized something: we can create world phenomena inside a computer. This wasn't just about coding or physics anymore. It was about the power to model, understand, and potentially solve real-world problems through computation.

Research Adventures

Excited by what I learned, I jumped into research. Here are some projects I worked on:

Fighting Plastic Pollution

Selected for the Student Creativity Program grant (top 6% among 64,000+ proposals), I modeled how sunlight and a special material (TiO2) could break down tiny plastic bits in water. This project showed me how computer simulations could tackle real environmental issues, connecting complex physics theories to practical solutions.

Plastic Pollution Model

Read more the paper: David, Karmila, S., Suryana, N., & Faizal, F. (2021). Pemodelan Degradasi Mikroplastik Polistirena dengan Nanofotokatalis TiO2. JIIF (Jurnal Ilmu dan Inovasi Fisika), 5(1), 8-12.

Studying Tiny Bubbles

This study is about how microscopically small bubbles can change metal surfaces.

Bubble Animation

Read more the paper: David, Faizal, F., & Hidayat, S. (2022). Studi Komputasi Efek Sonofisika dari Gelembung Mikro terhadap Deformasi Lapisan Logam. JIIF (Jurnal Ilmu dan Inovasi Fisika), 6(1), 33-40.

Swarm Intelligence

Inspired by how birds fly in flocks, I applied algorithm called Particle Swarm Optimization to solve navigation problems. This project beautifully blended ideas from physics, computer science, and even biology.

Starlings Particle Swarm Optimization

Read more the paper: David, Adiperdana, B. (2021). Using Particle Swarm Optimization as Pathfinding Strategy in a Space with Obstacles. arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.07212.

Twisted Graphene

I explored how slightly twisting layers of an incredibly thin material (graphene) can change how it conducts heat.

Twisted Bilayer Graphene

Read more the paper: David, Faizal, F., I Made Joni, I. M. (2022). Thermal Transport in Twisted Bilayer Graphene: An Equilibrium Molecular Dynamics Study. Presented at the 2 nd Functional Nano Powder International Conference 2022.

Quantum Computing

While my day-to-day work has shifted towards product management, my fascination with cutting-edge computation has only grown stronger, especially in the exciting field of quantum computing.

IBM Quantum 2021 IBM Quantum 2023 IBM Quantum 2024

Every year, I participate in the IBM Quantum Challenge. This isn't just for fun - it helps me stay connected to the newest ideas in computing. By engaging with quantum computing, I'm peeking into the future of technology, where computers might solve problems we once thought impossible.

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